Umbrella Coalition Organization on the Kashmir Conflict launched!
London 3 June 2019: Representatives of International Human Rights Association of America Minorities (IHRAAM), South Asia Centre For Peace and Human Rights (SACFPHR), International Muslim Women Union (IMWU), International Commission for Human Rights (ICHR), Kashmir Tehreek-e-Khawateen (KTK) and Kashmir Youth Assembly (KYA) met in London and agreed to launch an umbrella coalition organisation announcing it in the name of Organisation of Kashmir Coalition (OKC).
A spokesperson of OKC described the Vision and Mission of the organisation in the following terms:
OKC serves as an umbrella coalition organisation to facilitate and co-ordinate all the work and the efforts of civil society and human rights organisations to gain access to International Law and its enforcement mechanism to implementing the United Nations Resolutions on the Kashmir Conflict;
OKC is committed to promoting and projecting Kashmiris Human Rights and their Right to Self-Determination;
OKC pledge to creating public awareness throughout by engaging in organisation to organisation (including people to people) contact;
OKC shall promote solidarity and increase co-operation among its member organisations; and
OKC is the collective voice of its member organisations and works to safeguard and protect the interests of Kashmir in the spirit of promoting international peace and harmony.
OKC has already begun its diplomatic work and its first initiative is to welcome and receive the newly elected European Parliament members in the upcoming week.
The spokesperson added that the civil society and non-governmental organisations, which share similar vision and mission, are welcome to be part of the OKC.