London, 21 May 2018 – In a response to the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Modi`s recent visit to Srinagar (Kashmir) and his public utterances there, International Commission for Human Rights (ICHR) Chairman Barrister A. Majid Tramboo and South Asia Centre For Peace And Human Rights (SACFPHR) Chairman Professor Nazir Ahmed Shawl in a joint statement have questioned the rationale and logic of the visit and his assertions. The people of Jammu and Kashmir reject this latest political gimmick. The Indian leader should introspectively take note of the complete shut down and Kashmiris anger.
A categorical message that needs to be understood is that the fear psychosis cannot conquer hearts and minds of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. The world’s largest military concentration has failed to extinguish the flames of freedom. Let it be clear that Kashmir is not a development issue, it is a legal and human rights issue. It needs a legal solution that satisfies the aspirations of the people by exercising their right to self-determination as per the UN charter and UN resolutions if Mr Modi believes in Democracy, he needs to honour the peoples verdict. The undemocratic practices to deny democratic space to the resistance leadership is a grim commentary on the Indian democracy.
The people of the state are not comfortable with the construction of dams like Kishenganga or Salal because they are the hardest hit victims of Indian water exploitation. Waters emanating from Kashmir have been gravely misused. Most of the hydroelectric power generation is provided to India`s northern states including its capital, Delhi.
The Ramadan ceasefire is yet another drummed up political gimmick. It can become meaningful provided there is a comprehensive halt to all forms of violence against Kashmiris both inside the cities and towns and also on the ceasefire line. This should be followed by tripartite engagement of all the stake holders. The leadership on the ground should be provided a democratic space and a process of demilitarisation should be taken on board.
The Kashmiri diaspora leaders hope that the echelons of the United Nations along with the international community will use their good offices to impress the Indian leadership to make a beginning to resolve the Kashmir issue peacefully for the regional and global peace.